If you’ve been involved in a rideshare accident involving an Uber or Lyft in Brooklyn, you need to completely understand your legal rights and all of your options. And so you shouldn’t hesitate in contacting the experienced Brooklyn Rideshare accident lawyers at Michael J. Redenburg, Esq., P.C. For more than a decade, we have battled in numerous forums, including State Court, Federal Court, Arbitration forums and Mediation to protect our injured auto accident clients and their right to recover compensation. When you call us for help, we’ll do everything in our power to get you the full compensation that you are deserving of.
Rideshare accidents are unlike other car accident cases and can be more complicated to handle from the litigation end. First of all, there are a host of different parties involved. As the result of the rideshare crash, you may be able to recover damages from the driver of the rideshare vehicle, their insurance company, Uber or Lyft’s insurance company, and the tortfeasor’s vehicle if an adverse vehicle was at fault for the collision. None of the aforementioned will just write you a check, which is why you need to hire and experienced Brooklyn Rideshare attorney.
Our Brooklyn Rideshare accident lawyers will:
Investigate: Thoroughly investigate all of the circumstances surrounding the accident and hire experts to the extent necessary to best prosecute your case;
Negotiate for You: We will be your voice against the rideshare company, insurance companies and anyone else who might be responsible for the injuries you sustained in accident. We will prepare winning arguments and assemble the evidence necessary to ensure that your case is handled in the best way possible.
Downplay Your Involvement in the Accident: Litigation is all about the “blame game” and pointing fingers. Even if you were partially at fault for the happening of the accident, you still may be able to recover damages. But you’ll want a skilled advocate to show that the other party was more at fault than you were.
Consult with Experts: With fifteen years of battle-tested experience, we have become very skilled at negotiating with insurance company representatives and opposing counsel. Whether it be the life-changing nature of your injuries, the facts that clearly indicate that the other party was at fault or both, we are good at what we do. We also know when it is necessary to hire experts to push the case to settlement or to get the case teed-up for trial. Often times, having the right lawyer and retaining the right experts is what makes your case settle or gets you a jury verdict that you are happy with.
Brooklyn Rideshare providers are extremely prevalent in Kings County for many reasons. Owning a car in Brooklyn is not always practical, especially when one considers the fact that insurance rates are substantially higher in big cities like Brooklyn and further, parking is a big, big issue with garage parking being very expensive. Rideshare drivers such as Lyfts and Ubers are in accidents for many reasons, including:
- Ridesharing vehicles parking at intersections or other dangerous locations, especially to receive or unload passengers;
- Rideshare drivers looking for passengers, getting distracted and not paying attention to the road;
- In dash GPS or dashboard mounted cell phones used for GPS guidance distracting Rideshare drivers;
- Brooklyn Rideshare drivers operating their vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
- Unsafe or illegal u-turns made in Brooklyn;
- Driving over the speed limit to get passengers to their destinations as quickly as possible.
Drivers in Brooklyn aren’t always responsible for accidents involving their rideshare vehicles. Sometimes it can be other drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians or even hazardous roadways or inclement weather conditions that cause accidents.
There are a lot of different ways to get compensated if you’re involved in a Brooklyn Rideshare Accident in Kings County, New York. Liability will depend on what the Uber driver was doing at the time of the accident and if anyone else shares fault for the accident.
Can I Sue the Ridesharing Company, Such as Uber or Lyft After a Car Accident in Brooklyn?
Popular Rideshare Companies like Uber and Lyft fight long, hard expensive court battles to keep their drivers classified as independent contractors. Why such a big fight? There’s a lot on the line for Uber and Lyft in keeping their drivers classified as independent contractors rather than employees. One is denying the drivers the protections they would otherwise be afforded as employees and the other, as relevant here is liability for Brooklyn Rideshare accidents.